Hello, I’m Sarah


I'm a Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising: a deep feeler, seeker, and creative living in San Francisco, CA. I became a therapist because therapy changed my life.

I'll be honest, I never thought I would be a therapist. I didn't think therapy was for what I struggled with or for me as a young multi-racial woman. I told myself "it's not that bad," "it could be worse." But day by day, my symptoms became impossible to avoid. I wondered, does everyone live like this?

When I finally got the courage to ask for help from a therapist, things started to change. I found parts of myself that had been left behind, shut out, and silenced by the world. I began to see myself with curiosity and compassion.

By reconnecting my body, mind, and soul, I grew into a more authentic, present, and confident person. I made small and big choices that formed the foundation of a new life, one step at a time.

Therapy has been the most powerful and transformative practice for me to cultivate a meaningful life. It's changed my life, and I hope it can change yours too.

Why Bay Area Women’s Psychotherapy?

I founded Bay Area Women’s Psychotherapy to serve women and other marginalized people as we come home to our bodies, voices, and spirits.

I wanted to be able to explicitly name my mission, and commit my practice to my values as a woman of color.

I believe that something revolutionary happens when marginalized people awaken to our own worthiness, dignity, passions, and power.

In a world that insists on disconnection, I am inspired by those who turn toward what the dominant culture has told us to fear, hide, hate, or ignore in ourselves.

When we dismantle systems of oppression inside ourselves and our relationships, we dismantle them in the world around us. For me therapy isn’t just about "feeling better”; it’s about liberation from the inside out.


I received my Master’s in Counseling with an emphasis in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling from San Francisco State University.

My approach is relational, psychodynamic, and somatic. I utilize mindfulness and self-compassion techniques. My therapy is informed by the works of Pat Ogden, Richard Schwartz, Sue Johnson, bell hooks, Adrienne Maree Brown, Tara Brach, Gabor Maté, and so many more teachers.

I’ve worked in schools, community-mental health, and private practice settings with adults, teens, children, and families.

Certificate in Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies with Linda Thai

Emotionally Focused Therapy 4 Day Externship with Dr. Sam Jinich & Dr. Paul Guillory

Helping Couples and Families Heal Trauma Using Internal Family Systems with Dick Schwartz

Level I Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma Themes with Kekuni Minton

The Power of Fierce & Tender Self-Compassion with Kristin Neff

Somatic Practices for Healing Trauma with Manuela Mischke-Reeds


Let’s talk!

Book a free 15-minute phone call with me.